Richmond Green
Potential Development of the Richmond Green Park Upper Baseball Diamonds
As a Board, our Mission is to engage and empower community residents, advocate on their behalf, foster community spirit, and practice meaningful stewardship while honoring our heritage.
We are stewards for the communities of Currie, Lincoln Park and Rutland Park. The Richmond Green Park baseball diamonds fall under the jurisdiction of the Revised CFB West Master Plan and are deemed Special Places/Areas and Essential Elements under the Neighbourhood Land Use Plan. As such, it is our duty to advocate on behalf our residents and on behalf of the Richmond Green Park itself.
It has come to our attention that the City is looking at the potential development of the upper baseball diamonds in Richmond Green Park (corner of 33 Ave and Sarcee Rd). This green space is part of the Revised CFB West Master Plan in which it is identified as a Special Place and an Essential Element of the allotted park space. The Currie regional pathways have been designed to connect to this space.
Note: Documents on the right will open in a new tab on your browser bar.
Richmond Green Survey response comparison
Richmond Green Survey Comments (RPCA community only)
Richmond Green Survey Summary (what we heard)
Richmond Green Survey Comments (all respondents)
Richmond Green City Letter Feb 2021
LOC2021-0043 RPCA Community Feedback
Getting up to speed on Richmond Green
Richmond Green LOC2021-0043 for CPC
Richmond Green LOC2021-0043 RPCA Follow-up
Richmond Green iContact July 12
LOC2021-0043 Richmond Green - Reasons to Overturn Council Decision
Richmond Green Administrative Inquiry
Richmond Green RPCA Response to Public Notice
The City is looking at creating an Outline Plan and Land Use Application for the entire Richmond Green Park space (including the golf course which is likely to remain as green space at this point). The upper baseball diamonds will be included within this policy area. The Outline Plan will look at the entire parcel as a whole, including extending the underground reservoirs below the golf course, and adding a second major access for Currie Barracks (off of 33 Ave) that will accommodate the BRT/MAX line.
In order to understand what value our residents place on this park space and determine what, if any, development our residents would consider appropriate for this space, we (as community volunteers) have conducted a short survey in advance of this input. The survey was conducted over a 3 day period (Monday 1st ~ Wednesday 3rd).
We reached out to residents on the Rutland Park Community Association Facebook page, the Currie Life FB page, the Sarcee Meadows Housing Co-op FB page, via our e-newsletter mailout, and through Canada Lands via their e-newsletter mailout, in an effort to reach as many residents as possible. We asked for input from the adults (18+ years old) in our communities (1 survey per adult).
The results of the survey are being shared on this page. Thank you for your input!
Documents on the right are responses from over 500 residents in the RPCA community. Please take some time to review. We thank you for your time and support.
Should you have any questions, please email development
The city has now opened up an engagement portal for Richmond Green Park. Please use this link and subscribe for future email updates from the city.