Newsletter - The Post

An archive of all our newsletters can be found online at

The Rutland Park Community Association currently distributes a paper newsletter (The Post) and email updates for events. The newsletter contains the latest news from the association, contact information for the board as well as details on past and pending social events. The Community Notices section provides a place for community residents and full time renters at the hall to inform the community of their events and services (babysitters, exercise classes, clubs and activities).

Community members are encouraged to contribute to the content of the newsletter. Submissions for the e-newsletter are due on the 10th of the month each month for the following month’s newsletter. Submissions for the paper newsletter are due on the 22nd of the month for the next following newsletter, i.e. January 22nd for March newsletter. Email submissions to Newsletter.

Community members are encouraged to contribute to the content of the newsletter and can submit articles and pictures directly to Newsletter. All contributions are welcome and will be edited for content and length. 

If you live within the boundaries of the RPCA and are not receiving your newsletter, please let us know by sending an email to Newsletter